Coronavirus, Covid-19 Updates latest from giantA, Building design and Drafting services

We have short notification related coronavirus. Please take a look COVID-19 updates latest from us – giantA, Building design and Drafting services in New South Wales, Australia.

To our clients and associates, we hope you are healthy, safe and taking good care of yourself and your loved ones.

Given the evolving situation relating to Coronavirus (COVID-19) in Australia and across the world, we would like to update you on the steps we are taking at giantA Office to support our staff and clients during this challenging time.
From 01/04/2020, the majority of our staff will be working from home and all meetings for the foreseeable future will be held either over the phone or via an online meeting platform (Skype, Zoom meeting, etc.). We have the technology in place for this and our business setup allows us to continue to communicate effectively with our clients in light of these unforeseen events. Our office will remain open with some support staff which will include a receptionist who will answer and redirect calls and ensure all mail is delivered to the respective partner/team. We will remain in a position to efficiently and effectively attend to all client work, meeting expectations and deadlines, and ensuring that all projects delivered through the giantA system are available to you as soon as possible.
The coming months will no doubt be challenging for many. We are committed to working with you to navigate through those challenges.
Please take care and reach out if we can be of assistance.

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