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Our Services

Concept Design


  • obtain the Client’s design brief and other requirements
  • arrange, attend and record meetings with the Client
  • provide recommendations for the appointment of other Specialist Consultants as required, including their fees
  • attend the Site and visually assess site conditions and constraints
  • make initial inquiries regarding authority regulations and requirements


  • arrange, attend and record meetings with the Client, authorities, other consultants and other relevant parties
  • undertake preliminary assessment of authority regulations and requirements
  • prepare sketches, diagrams and other information to adequately explain the concept
  • prepare design briefs for other consultants
  • coordinate a preliminary forecast of the Cost of Works
  • undertake preliminary selection of materials and finishes
  • provide Client with copies of design documentation in PDF format
  • coordinate cost consultant’s forecast of the Cost of Works


  • obtain the Client’s written approval of the Concept Design documents
  • obtain the Client’s written approval to proceed with Design Development
  • obtain the Client’s written approval to prepare the Town Planning/Development Application, where required

Design Development

Developed design

  • develop the approved Design Concept and present documents and other information to adequately explain the developed design
  • arrange, attend and record meetings with the Client
  • arrange, attend and record meetings with authorities, other consultants and other relevant parties
  • coordinate the work of other Specialist Consultants
  • provide schedule of proposed materials and finishes
  • review the developed design against the budget and coordinate the preparation of an updated forecast of the Cost of Works
  • consult and attend preliminary meetings with relevant authorities regarding the developed design


  • obtain the Client’s written approval of the developed design
  • obtain the Client’s written approval to submit Planning/Development Application,when required
  • obtain the Client’s written approval to proceed with Construction Documentation

Planning/ Development Application

  • confirm statutory authority requirements
  • attend pre-application meetings with relevant authorities prior to submissionof formal application
  • prepare application, including plans, diagrams, analyses, studies, reports and other information for the submission
  • coordinate required Specialist Consultants on behalf of the Client
  • assist the Client with lodging formal application
  • coordinate preparation of an updated forecast of the Cost of Works

Contruction Documentation


  • arrange, attend and record meetings with the Client
  • coordinate and integrate the work of other Specialist Consultants
  • prepare drawings including plans, elevations and sections, together with other details and schedules to be submitted for statutory approval to construct the project
  • prepare specifications in accordance with the drawings and the Client’s requirements describing the quality of materials, finishes and quality of work necessary to be submitted for statutory approval
  • submit required documents for statutory approval
  • prepare further drawings, specifications and schedules to enable the construction of the project
  • coordinate the preparation of a pre-tender forecast of the Cost of Works
  • provide recommendations to the Client on the preferred method of building contractor selection


  • obtain the Client’s written approval to submit for statutory approval
  • obtain the Client’s written approval of all construction documents
  • obtain the Client’s written approval to proceed with building contractor selection

Contract Selection


  • assist Client in determining the preferred tender process
  • prepare tender documents and issue to all tenderers
  • respond to enquiries from tenderers
  • receive and open the tenders
  • together with the cost consultant, if any, assess the tenders
  • negotiate with the preferred tenderer if required to obtain an offer acceptable to the Client
  • prepare reports on tenders and recommendation for Client acceptance

Negotiated Offer

  • assist Client in determining the preferred negotiation process
  • issue relevant documents to the prospective building contractor to describe the scope of the works
  • arrange and coordinate negotiations and enquiries with the prospective building contractor
  • together with the cost consultant, if any, assess all submissions from the prospective building contractor required to establish the contract price and final project scope
  • prepare report and provide recommendations for Client acceptance


  • obtain the Client’s written approval to prepare the contract documents

Contract Administration


  • prepare one draft of the contract documents in the form previously approved by the Client in the ‘Contractor Selection’ phase
  • arrange for signing and execution of the building contract documents by the building contractor and owner


  • administer the building contract under its terms
  • issue copies of construction documentation to the building contractor and issue amended documents as needed
  • report regularly to the Client regarding time, cost and progress of the project
  • visit the Site periodically to observe the general conformance of the construction works with the building contract documents and instruct the building contractor regarding design quality control, materials selections and performance in regard to the building contract documents
  • arrange, attend and arrange for recording of site meetings at regular intervals
  • review shop drawings and submissions by the building contractor
  • provide the building contractor with instructions, supplementary details and clarification of the contract documents
  • coordinate the construction services provided by other Specialist Consultants
  • assess and determine variations and obtainClient approvals in writing when required
  • assess and determine the building contractor’s progress claims and issue progress certificates
  • assess the building contractor’s claims for adjustments of time
  • adjust prime cost and provisional sums and other monetary sums
  • instruct the building contractor in regard to incomplete work and rectification of any defects
  • assess and determine practical completion and issue the notice of practical completion.


  • during the defects liability period, instruct the building contractor in regard to incomplete work and rectification of defects
  • if required, advise the Client and coordinate the procedure for the rectification of any defective work by others
  • assess and determine final completion and issue the final certificate

Feasibility Study

  • establish with the Client the project objectives and constraints
  • arrange, attend and record meetings with the Client, consultants and other relevant parties
  • review statutory planning controls and guidelines
  • analyse Site opportunities and constraints
  • prepare relevant functional relationship and spatial diagrams
  • determine key financial indicators for the project
  • provide report of findings and recommendations

Record documents

  • undertake detailed photographic survey of existing Site and buildings
  • coordinate survey of existing Site and building conditions by Specialist Consultants
  • undertake detailed existing building measurement
  • prepare drawings showing existing buildings, visible services and finishes
  • prepare record documents showing completed buildings, visible services and finishes

Planning/Development Application: Negotiation

  • arrange, attend and record meetings with the Client
  • as directed by the Client, negotiate and attend meetings with relevant authorities, adjoining owners or other relevant parties
  • prepare additional drawings and documentation and/or amend existing drawings and documentation to comply with additional authority requirements
  • submit additional or revised documentation to the relevant authority for endorsement
  • assist the Client in preparing instructions for relevant Specialist Consultants
  • prepare additional documentation or evidence for planning courts or tribunals
  • attend hearings and give evidence at planning courts/tribunals


  • provide 2D marketing drawings
  • provide 3D illustrations
  • provide digital animations

Trade Package Documentation

  • assist Client-appointed programmer (or programmer appointed by selected building contractor/ construction manager/ project manager) in preparation of agreed program trade documentation packages
  • provide documentation, including relevant drawings, specifications and schedules in trade package format
  • provide matching specification for each trade package
  • provide set of standard preliminaries suitable for inclusion with all trade package documentation
  • co-ordinate Client-appointed consultants in preparing trade package documentation for specialistsections of the works
  • assist Client-appointed building contractor/construction manager/project manager in responding to queries from trade contractors

Other Services

  • Preparing for Planning tribunal proceedings
  • Preparing additional documentation for Planning tribunal proceedings
  • Co-ordinating on behalf of Client relevant Specialist Consultants to attend Planning tribunal proceedings
  • Attending Planning tribunal proceedings
  • administer the procedures under the building contract for a dispute between the parties
  • preparing for court or tribunal proceedings for dispute under the building contract
  • co-ordinating on behalf of Client relevant Specialist Consultants to attend mediation, arbitration, court or tribunal proceedings
  • attending mediation/arbitration proceedings for dispute under the building contract
  • attending court or tribunal proceedings for dispute under the building contract

Our area of expertise

Drawings/Development Application (DA)/Complying Development Certificate (CDC) process

  • Boarding house
  • Dual occupancy attached - 1 and 2 storey
  • Dwelling house - 2 storey
  • Dwelling house - 1 storey
  • Alterations /Additions - Ground floor
  • Alterations /Additions - First floor
  • Secondary dwelling (Granny flat)
  • Multi-dwelling housing
  • Residential flat buildings (Units)
  • Mixed-use development
  • Decks/Pergolas/Shade structures
  • Garages/Sheds/Carports
  • Retaining walls
  • Terrace House - 1 storey
  • Terrace House - 2 storey
  • Fences
  • Swimming pools and Spas
  • Access facilities - Ramps, Inclinators, Lifts
  • Home occupation
  • Landscape
  • New office /Commercial /Retail building
  • New industrial factory / Warehouse
  • Alterations/Additions
  • Internal fitouts to Commercial buildings
  • Access facilities - Ramps, Inclinators, Lifts
  • Advertising signage
  • Landscape
  • Child Care centre
  • Change of use for shops /offices
    • Café
    • Restaurants
    • Education
    • Fitness
    • Massage
    • Gym
    • Medical
    • Beauty
    • Dental clinic
    • Nail
    • Retail…

3D visualisation and Other Drafting Services

3D visualisation
  • 3D Interior/Exterior residential and commercial
  • 3D Landscape design
  • 3D/Coloured floor plan for marketing
  • 3D Walkthrough
  • 3D Flythrough
  • Large-sized group of construction
  • Convert drawings/Hand-drawn sketches to CAD
  • Industrial details/Modeling and rendering

Building sustainability index and Other Specialist Consultant

Basix Certificate
  • Basix single storey
  • Basix double storey
  • Basix alteration and additions single storey
  • Basix alteration and additions double storey
  • Basix granny flat
  • Basix HSTAR-NatHERS
Other Specialist Consultant
  • Acoustical consultant
  • Building approval
  • Bushfire consulting
  • Environmental consultant services
  • Heritage consulting
  • Hydraulic engineering
  • Land surveying
  • Structural engineering
  • Town planning
  • Traffic engineering