Information Drawing Sheets
Site plan (scale 1:200)
A site plan is an aerial view of the land showing the existing and proposed development. This plan should include the:
- location of the land, the measurements of the boundaries of the land, and which direction is north.
- location and uses of buildings, structures, swimming pools and fences that are proposed and existing on the land and adjoining land.
- distances to boundaries and other structures from the proposed development.
- existing and proposed levels of the land (provide AHD levels on flood affected properties).
- extent of any cut or fill and details of proposed retaining walls.
- location of any trees (including street trees), their species names and canopy diameter.
- location and width of any restriction on the use of the land, easement, rights of way and watercourses.
- location of driveways, laybacks and utility installations (such as light poles) where applicable.
- landscape area calculation.
- location and uses of buildings on sites that adjoin the land.
Floor plan (scale 1:100)
A floor plan is an aerial view of the internal layout of the development. These should include the:
- layout of the proposed and existing rooms, the room names, areas and dimensions.
- window and door locations and sizes.
- wall structure type and thickness.
- floor levels (provide AHD levels on flood affected properties).
- location of smoke detectors (where applicable).
Elevation plan (scale 1:100)
An elevation plan is an external view of the proposed development. These should include the:
- side views of each profile of the proposed development.
- external walls and ridge heights.
- window and door locations and sizes.
- external materials and finishes.
For additions and alterations you must clearly distinguish between the existing and proposed work.
A 3D coloured perspective may be required for certain developments.
Section plan (scale 1:100)
A section plan is a diagram showing a cut through the development at important or typical points. These should include:
- The section names and their location on the floor plan.
- Proposed construction methods for floors, walls and roofs.
- Floor to ceiling heights.
Notification plan
Council requires that certain development proposals be notified to neighbouring property owners and residents. Where this is required, the development application will need to include an A4 size copy of the site and elevation plans (larger developments should also include an A3 size plan as well as the A4 size).
Shadow diagram
Shadow diagrams are to be provided with all developments that are two-storeys or greater. Shadow diagrams are to demonstrate shadows at 9am, 12noon and 3pm on Winter Solstice (21 June). These should show the location of building footprints on adjoining properties where affected by any shadow.
Landscaping information
Details submission requirements in Chapter C6 (Landscape Design) and Appendix 3. The level of landscaping detail varies according to the type of proposal.
Erosion and sediment control details
Where appropriate, details of the proposed method of soil erosion and sediment control are to be provided with the development application.
Drainage information
Detailed stormwater management plans are to accompany the development application where the development results in additional stormwater run-off. These plans are to include details of pipe sizes and location, size and location of pits, on-site detention areas (where required) and stormwater calculations. If an easement is being created through an adjoining property, you will need to provide evidence of agreement from the owners of that property, and their consent to lodgement of the development application.